He's gone... again
03.06.05 ||| 12:57 pm

So. Alfred left this around 6:30. He may be back in a few days or he may not. He doesn't know. The guys out in Maryland are dicking him around. He doesn't know if he'll be able to work out there due to weather and lack of the other people that are supposed to do their jobs in order for him to do his. They all got laid off and get to be at home. Dumb fuckers.

Anyhow. Today I feel all stupid and bored and like everything is massively pointless. I all ready miss Alfred and I want to just lay in my bed and not do anything. Pathetic, I know.

I'm going to go clean my room and rent some videos and do some other shit today. I cant just be a fat ass and laze around all day. No I can not.

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