Love Him
01.29.05 ||| 1:30 am

I broke down earlier tonight. Over the stupidest of shit, too. I was sitting here, watching some boring rot-your-mind television and I was waiting for Alfred to call. And I was waiting and waiting and waiting... and then I finally say to hell with it all and call him and he's at his house with all his boys and they are drunk and laughing and having fun... all the while I'm sitting here waiting to hear from him.

I am such the loser. I set myself up for this shit, but its like, really, there's nothing for me to do but suck it up and be okay with it all. I'm stuck in this house till me and Alfred can find an apartment... and I'm stuck with Alfred being in Maryland because he has to keep working... we need the money, ya know? And I'm stuck with my everyone in my family thinking I'm some selfish asshole because of this babysitting drama. It's like everyone in my world right now is mad at me or in Maryland. Ha.

But yeah, so I broke down and cried and beat up my pillows and when I was done I felt better. I called alfred back and told him I was sorry for being a bitch with him on the phone its just that everything is so fucked and ya know what? He was perfect about it all.

Which, in itself, is odd.

Normally he'd bitch me out for having misplaced my anger on him and he'd be mad that I was bitchy and shit... but no. Not tonight.

He said calming things... kept reminding that he loves me and that he's doing everything he can to make our lives better and he wants to get us out of my mothers house and into our own...and hes working hard... and he just said everything right and made me calm and feeling like I was loved. It was good.

See, guys, this is why I love this man. I know he can be a complete jerk sometimes...and yes he does make me sad and shit sometimes... but there are times like these where he is just perfect and reminds me why I fell for him.

He's my monkey-butt. and I love him.

before ||| after