Too Intelligent
01.28.05 ||| 4:33 pm

I have the house all to myself tonight.

My grandma has Kylee and my mom plans to go over there after work and just stay the night. My sister is working, Alfred's in Maryland, and here I sit. All by lonesome.

My grandma is a little pissed at me... well, no wait. She a lot pissed at me because I refused to babysit tonight. Her and my mother are constantly talking about what's gotten into me. Gah. I'm just sick of craziness is all, is that so bad?

Alfred got his W-2s in the mail... is that what they are called? W-2s? Anyhow... I'm trying to get his reciepts and shit ready so he can get his taxes done while he's home. His shit is so chaotic and all over the place. It's a fucking mess.

I ran into an old teacher of mine today at the store. Mr. O'keffing. Wanna know whats odd about that? He was one of my teachers in California... not out here in Wisconsin. And to make the oddness even a little more odd... he remembered me before I remembered him... he actually had to remind me who he was. It was strange.

Aw well. Small world I guess. He asked if we could go out for drinks or something... but I refused just on the weirdness factor. I mean who wants to go have drinks with their old english teacher. Not I.


I'm hoping alfred calls me soon and we get to stay on the phone for a while. I feel like its been years since we last talked... hes seemed so distant and vague lately. I worry about him. (probably more than I should)) He told me that he's been feeling a bit depressed and shit... I wish there were something I could do to make him happier... but hes always away in Maryland and I'm stuck here in this shithole... and he doesnt really want me to come out there with him... he says we spend too much money that way. But. damn, I just wish we could be together ya know?

Anyhow. There goes me sounding dramatic and shit. I hate that I come out sounding like I blow everything out of proportion all the time. I'm really more laid back and cool about shit in person... I just tend to think too much about things sometimes.

Alfred is always telling me that people are taught to be dramatic. He has all these weird theories about how people would be if they would stop wasting so much time on stupid shit, like crying over the past and shit like that. He just has this way of, well, distancing himself from everything and being almost omnipotent in situations. At least thats how he portrays himself and he does a good job at it.

Sometimes I think he's maybe too intelligent... when we talk I usually end up feeling really dumb about things... and in all actuality I'm not that stupid at all.

No really, I'm not.

I dunno.

I think I've rambled on enough for tonight... I'm losing focus and cant think straight and I need to go finish up those reciepts.

What joy. What fun.

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