Caving in...
01.27.05 ||| 1:41 pm

Soap operas are so freaking funny. My mom sits here and watches them all day long before she goes to work and they are just the cheesiest things ever.


Anyhow. I old alfred about Vickie being pregnant. He said that we will go out to California to visit soon, but he doesn't know if it will be in June or sooner than that. We may just go when he gets laid off. He thinks that would be a better idea. So I dunno. At least I'll get to her and everyone else, right?

I had the worst time sleeping last night... I just could not fall asleep. Lately it's been that way though. I never get to sleep. I lay in bed forever, but sleep never seems to come.


So I started to clean out my room last night. I packed up a bunch of nick-knacky type stuff... well, basically, seeing as I haven't got any boxes to pack shit into, I really just stacked everything on this shelving unit in my room... but it can put away into boxes as soon as I get some. I think I like my room better without all the little shit cluttering uop every able space. Maybe I'll just pack all the little shit up and not unpack it when we move. I never know.

I have to babysit to day. ((so much for my principles and sticking by what I say, huh?)) I'm kinda disappointed in myself for caving in and agreeing to babysit, but my mom had no one to do it. So... here I am. I am kind of dreading talking to Alfred tonight because he will more than likely know I'm babysitting Kylee. He'll be dissappointed in me...and I hate that. Gah.

I hate that I end up caving in on everything.


before ||| after