Sing Things are Good. Yes They Are.
12.20.04 ||| 2:46 pm

My neice's sing thing at school went over well. She looked adorable, well except for the cheesy ass bow my mother put in her hair, but whatever.

I got a call from city about the telecommunicator/dispatcher job letting me know that they are still going over applications and that interviews will be held at the beginning of next year. They said they would call me... so we'll see how it all goes I guess.

My dad was supposed to come into town today to do the family Christmas visiting shit. He decided not to come due to the snow we got last night and this morning. I'm kind of glad he didn't come because I'm in such a pissy mood and I hate having to deal with that side of my family. I end up feeling uncomfortable and not knowing what to talk about. My sister is upset because now she doesn't get to get her hands on her Christmas money from those relatives today and she says she can't pay her bills now. Oh well boo-hoo on her. She's stupid to get herself in such a mess that she's depending upon money that she's not even sure she's going to get. Bah.

All this means, though, is that my dad will more than likely show up next Monday while Alfred is home and I dunno if I like that idea AT ALL. I want to be able to spend as much time as I can with my monkey... not doing the visiting craptacular stuff.

I dunno. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I dislike that part of my family, it's just that I hardly know them and I get all self conscious and tongue-tied. And in the mood that I've been in these past few days I just snap at everyone and have a tendency to be pretty mean some of the time... so I dunno. It's all craziness.

I wasgoing through Alfred's Christmas presents today and I feel like I should have gotten more. I've spent over $200 on him, but it still seems like I'm not getting him enough. I bought him a new jacket from Dickies... and I bought him a shirt from MoonEyes and one from He has a new belt and 2 new belt buckles. Some cologne. 4 CDs and an X-box game. I think that's most of it. But it doesn't seem like a lot to me. I dunno. Maybe I'm crazy. I am wondering a lot about what he may of gotten me. Is that wrong? Wondering if he got me anything? I'll admit I will feel badly if he hasn't gotten me anything... but I don't think he'd do that. I dunno. He spoiled me on my birthday back in June. He got me all sorts of shit that I wanted... even some things that I didn't know I wanted but he knew that I did. ((If that makes any sense.))

I can not wait til he gets home, though. I've been missing him something awful. I cannot wait to just curl up in bed with him and just hold him and kiss him and love him.

I swear that is my favourite thing in the world.

Anyhow, I'm off to go try to figure out what time and what day the local TV station will be showing my neice's sing thing. Gotta find out so I can tape it, right?


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