Falling In Love Again... HA
12.17.04 ||| 2:02 pm


Shit has been crazy. Me and Alfred are still getting in little tiffs almost nightly and I'm almost to the point of dreading his phonecalls. Wouldn't it be soooo nice to just sit and talk nicely once in a while? I just figure maybe he likes being mad at me anymore.

I dunno. I helped my mom finish up her Christmas shopping. She is so clueless as to what to get for the kids. But I helped her pick out a toy or two for each and then helped her decide on 2 outfits for Kylee. She's getting so big anymore that most of her clothes end up looking too old for her, but they'll be cute anyhow.

I dunno.

So yeah. Last night I was on the phone with Alfred and I was sitting at my deak in my room and I seen my old sketching journal. I picked it up to flip through it while we were talking and this pictures Alfred took of me like 2 years ago fluttered out from in between the pages. See, these pictures were taken when I was a bit more confident in my body and in them I'm wearing nothing but bra and panties... so I decided to try to sketch them. I used to draw and sketch all the time but since I got with Alfred I kinda just shoved it all aside. Well, once I got going I couldn't stop. I feel like I've fallen in love again. ((Cheesy, yes, I know, but it's true.)) It's such a neat feeling when you sit down to draw something and it turns out looking good. I am so proud of these two little sketches I did, But I dont feel like I can show them to any one because I'm all self conscious about them being me partly nude. So I have to wait til Alfred comes home next Wednesday. I hope he tells me that they are good or nice or something. If he tears into them it might make me cry. Seriously.

I dunno. So yeah. I'm gonna go do a review or something. I am bored. Yay.

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