Can't sleep... too emotional
12.13.04 ||| 2:10 am

I am in a completely shit-tastic mood tonight and sleep is so far off that I feel like I might go insane.

Me and Alfred got into tonight. I think it was just because I am being an over-amotional whore right now and no one, not even I, can understand what is going on in my head. Alfred told me that he thinks I like to be upset and mad and that I put myself in this position. Gah. If he only knew how hard it is for me to be this emotional.

I am kinda taking a chance being online right now. He might try to call and won't be able to get through because I am online. Than he'll be mr. pissy-pants with me tomorrow. Grr. But I had to do something. The boredom was sucking the life force out of me.

Hell, I even went and stole the latest review over at flirt and did it up. It was a good diary too. Made me smile even though I feel so shitty.

I should go and try to get some sleep. My father is coming around tomorrow and we'll have to do the Christmas visiting bullshit with his side of the family. It's not so bad, I just hate that I end up going by myself. My sister always whores her way out of going and Alfred is around to go with me. He'sall happy about but I want to goudge out his eyes with a spoon because of it.

I dunno. I'm thinking I had better get off the internet now and make sure mr. alfred hasn't tried to call. He'll be super pissed with me if he has.


I'm out.

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