Weird Dreams About a Dude Named Thumper.
11.30.04 ||| 6:58 pm

I'm still in a strange mood... but it's different today.

Though depressing none the less.

Alfred is out at the bar tonight. Go him. He gets to have all the fun. I miss him and he's sitting in a bar, having skank-ass-hoes flirt with him and getting drunk. I want skank-ass-hoes to flirt with me too. ((Ha. No, I'm only playing... but I would like to go out every once in a while... but I have no one to go out with and if by chance I did, I'd just wish Alfred were there with me.)) Bah.

So yeah. I found out yesterday that Indian Larry, this motercycle builder guy that I think is just the coolest guy on the planet, died back in August doing some motercycle stunt. I almost cried. It was weird how empty that made me feel... I mean this is just some pseudo-celebrity guy that I thought was neat and it bothered me soooo much. Maybe I'm just crazy. It did piss me off though that my dumb ass didn't hear about it sooner.


So yeah. I had a strange dream last night about my cousin's boyfriend's brother. He broke his back over the thanksgiving week... he was hunting and fell out of a tree or some stupid shit like that. Anyhow. I had a weird dream about him and when I woke up those morning I was like sad and missed him. Its strange but the only way I can explain it is that in the dream me and him were great friends or dating or something. Then when I woke up and realized it was just a dream I couldn't stop my self from feeling like I had lost something that was good and I missed it.

Okay. I'm officially a nut job. Go me.

Tink is home. She will be updating her diary at ToxicPopTart sometime tomorrow... but I'm still gonna do up a few reviews for her at Flirt. Yay.

I'm off to see the wizard, or something.

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