Sexxxy Bitch. Yay
11.10.04 ||| 12:49 pm

So. Guess who feels super-dee-duper sexxxy today?

Any guesses? Well, me, sillies.

Weird, ain't it?

Anyhow. I bought some black hairdye yesterday and a package arrived from Torrid in the mail yesterday as well, so today I am sporting freshly dyed locks and a new pretty cranberry and wine coloured striped shirt. I am a sexxxy bitch today and everyone should bow down before me. Okay, maybe you don't need to bow, but it isn't everyday that I feel good about my appearance.

I had forgotten why I loved it when I dyed my hair black. I look damn good with dark hair. It just fits me better than other colors... and I have tried damn near every other color you can think of.

Maybe I'll bust out my digi-cam today and take pictures of my fabolous self.

Ha! Listen to me. I'm a conceited bitch. No, no, i'm not really. Tomorrow I will be feeling fat and ugly again so I am going to revel in the feelings.


So yeah. Life is decent right now and it feels strange.

Me & Alfred have been getting along decently. Mostly do to the fact that I've been writing out all my feelings and ideas concerning him in a long-hand journal and by doing so I've developed some ideas on how to avoid pissing him off.

On top of that I've actually been socializing somewhat as well. Me and my cousin have been hanging out on a sporadic basis. This is good in many ways,but could easily turn bad. My cousin Stefany is fun to chill with, but you can't let yourself get too comfortable because then you might tell her things that you dont want others to know and she'll blab it to everyone and their mother. But I am liking having some companionship anyhow.

And, lastly, I have gotten some info on a correspondence course that I am planning to take. Me and Alfred are talking about it. ((It'll cost over a grand to do it)) But I think I realy want to do it. It'll give me some direction. Wanna know what sort of course it is? Ha! Automotive mechanic type shit. Yeah. I want to learn how to work on cars. If you knew in everyday life you'd realize that this is kind of a crazy idea... but fuck it. It looks neat to me and I'm interested. So yeah.

Well, I'm off to go feel sexxxy and watch TV or some other mundane shit like that. Yay.

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