Official Verdict: Not Pregnant
11.08.04 ||| 11:15 pm

So, scary doctor visit over, and the diagnosis? Not pregnant.

"What? How is that so?" you may ask...

Yeah. I asked the same thing and they have no idea. I asked them where my period is and the doctor told me it might just be on vacation. I assume she was trying to be funny, but I'm still left wondering.

She did some tests, pricked me with needles and stole some of my blood. Did all sorts of other stuff to all sorts of other parts of my body.

End result: "Hmm.. I just don't know, sweetie. We'll give you a call if we figure stuff out. Let us know if you start bleeding... everything looks A+, though. I just don't understand it."

Yeah. That was quite comforing to hear and I am still wanting to know what happened to my period and why he's pulling a no-show. ((Yes, yes... our periods are referred to as male... well, at least mine is. I mean, would any thing that is considered female come around every month and bring cramps, bloating, and generalized pissiness with it? I mean, for reallies.))


Other than my mis-adventures at the PPH, today was decent enough. I celebrated the not pregnant verdict by smoking a cigarette and having a beer with my cousin Stefany and then I went shopping.

Yay for me.

Tonight was even one of those decent nights where Alfred is concerned. We did not fight at all and we had a decent conversation. He told me he loved me a total of 3 times... and one of those wasn't in response to my saying it first. And he told me that if his boss is a dick about not letting him come home for Thanksgiving that it might be nice if I went there. Pretty good.

Yeah. I miss him a lot.


So last night I was up til way late screwing around with the html on my guestbook. I made it look just like my diary layout. Don't I just kick a whole lot of ass? Okay, so maybe I don't... but I'm pretty happy with the outcome.

Kinda sucks that I'm contemplating a whole new look for this here diary o' mine, though. Meh.

So yeah. I'm bored and I don't know what to do with myself. No one is requesting reviews from Puta-Reviews and my friend Tink doesn't need any help with FlirtReviews. I guess no one is requesting over there either. Her and I collaberated on the layout for that site. I think it turned out pretty good. We put that up a few nights ago. Yeapper. I am one bored mutha-fucka.


My room needs cleaning. Maybe I'll go do that.

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