11.03.04 ||| 12:08 am

::sigh:: So Bush is winning the election so far... How do I feel about this? I honestly have no idea. I feel bad that I didn't vote...but I know if I had and shit went wrong I would feel stupid anyhow.

Ah well. I'm an asshole of an American. I suck and that's that, yes?


Me and Alfred talked tonight. But, everything felt really forced. He doesn't know me and I guess it's all my fault that he doesn't. I've always approached our relationship with the best of intentions... I just want him to be happy with me and to love me... but I guess I go about shit the wrong way.

I push him away. I nag at him. I annoy him. And all I'm trying to do is love him.


Men are assholes and I'm gonna become a lesbian. No, not really... well maybe if I meet a hot girl that can turn me on... but I dunno. I just wish shit were easier to deal with, ya know?

before ||| after