10.26.04 ||| 10:41 pm

Another decent day. What does this all mean?

I think its just the world's way of telling me that unemployment is the way to go. Yay-hoo for me.

So I was sitting here today, talking to my 8 year old niece ((or is she 9? I can't ever remember...)) and all of a sudden there was a knock on the door... ((actually, the door bell rang... but you know what I mean. hmmph.)) I open the door and a little old man ask if I'm home and I tell him, yeah, I'm me... ((hehe that sounds funny)) anyhow... he hands me this vase of flowers... and says: well, there you go. And he turns around and leaves.

I check for a card, and all it says is "Thinking of you." No name, no nothing.

I told Alfred about them... and he told me it was probably just the staff association from the library sending me flowers because I broke my foot, but when I decided to call and thank them, they said they didn't send any flowers. ((Made me feel like a jack-ass too.)) I know Alfred didn't send 'em. He and I have both deemed flowers as a silly thing to give as a gift... so I know it wasn't him.

So who was it?


I dunno.

So now I'm all super-dee-duper curious as to where these flowers came from.

Anyhow... that's all for today.

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