I feel pretty....
10.26.04 ||| 12:50 am

I just got out of the shower. I was looking in the mirror, expecting to see, well, me, ya know? I usually look in the mirror and find myself picking apart all the things I loathe about my appearance. But, tonight, when I looked in the mirror, the thought entered my head: "Oh. hm. This is why Alfred once told me I was beautiful."
Not that I agree with that statement... but I wasn't exactly repulsed by my appearance like I usually am. I felt that I looked pretty...

I dunno. Maybe I'm just crazy. But it felt kinda nice I guess.


Things are good on the boy-front. No fighting has occurred tonight. Go me.


I had all these wonderful thoughts earlier that I wanted to jump online and update this thing with... but they're gone now... eh. Maybe next time, yes?

I chatted with Eric again earlier... he's still adamant about him and I hooking up sometime in the future... which is kinda just sad and gross. I do miss *other* people out in California though.

Well, I'm going to go fuck around and see if I can find something to do... I'm bored and un-tired. People, c�mon, chat with me on a.i.m. I want someone to talk to.... Tinkerbelly83.

Go you.

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