bodie hyland
10.17.04 ||| 12:03 am

Hm. Ya wanna hear something strange? I'm missing somebody...

Yeah, yeah, yeah... okay, maybe my missing someone isn't so strange... but the fact that I'm missing this certain person is, in fact, quite strange.

I miss this guy I used to know named Bodi Hyland. He was this boy that lived near my cousins and he had this little crush on me for, like, two seconds. He was a pretty decent guy... not necessarily cute or anything... but I liked him. Though, I never told anyone b/c I was all uber-embarrassed. He was a sweetheart though and I wonder what happened to him.

I remember this time... I think it was New Year's Eve of '99, and there was this guy, Danny, that was, like, super-dee-duper creepy, and he was kinda like hitting on me, ya know? We had been talking the night before and I had told him I liked goth guys w./ piercings and that I thought the dude from the Crow was somewhat sexxxy. ((yes, yes... I know... groan. But what can I say, I was 16 and I had this thing for guys in makeup and jewelry... ::sigh::)) Anyhow. This Danny guy got all crazy. He decided he was going to show up at my cousin's New Year's party all gothed out, right? So he shows up with his $20 trench coat on and like, his mother's gold earring punched through the first layer of skin on his eyebrow. ((seriously, it was jus hanging there... it was gross.)) I was being the little attention grabber that I usually am and I was flitting around from person to person talking & shit and me and my good buddy Lance sat down on the couch and were flirting. Danny gets all weird and locks himself in the bathroom and when he came out he had halloween type makeup on his face... ya know, the white face with the black eyes and lips like the crow-guy? Then he started to follow me around. ::sigh:: So, yeah. Anyhow... back to the point of the story...
Bodi showed up.
He rang the doorbell and I ran to the door to meet him and begged him to be my boyfriend for the next few minutes/hours he was around. And he came to my rescue and was the best fake-boyfriend I could ever hope to have. He sat by me, held my hand and even kissed me on the cheek whenever he got up.
Danny got mad and took off and walked the 20 miles home from my cousins house... in the snow. ((I didnt feel too badly about it though... he was scary.))
Bodi was my knight in shining armor that night. Really. He was. And I don't think I ever thanked him for that ever. ::sigh:: Hell, I dont even know if he remembers it or not.

But yeah. okay. so much for reminiscing. It is strange, though, that I would be thinking about Bodi now. I haven't really given him any thought for years... I mean, my cousin will bring him up every now and again... but it always is just a passing remark/thought and I dont really dwell on it... but tonight... i keep thinking all sorts of shit about him.

Man o man.


Anyhow. On to more normal-ish stuff.

I still feel like shit, but not as bad as before. I got my room cleaned and I'm quite happy. I feel comfortable again.

I miss Alfred and I wish he were home... and well... i'm lost in thought again. Meh.

I'm off to update my poetry site.


before ||| after