feeling liked
10.03.04 ||| 10:55 pm

Interesting day.

I don't think I'm doing too good lately. I feel like I am stuck loving someone that will never love me as much as I love him. But, on top of that, I feel like he is the only person in the world that will ever love me as much as he does.

Basically, I feel screwed.

I'm just so self-pitying right now, it's disgusting.

I've been having bad, bad, bad thoughts lately. I've been thinking an awful lot about Andrew. Which is lame considering he is a little whore. But, he always made me feel like it was okay to be me... i always feel like even if I'm a complete dumb-ass around him he'll still like me.

And I'm craving that feeling so badly lately. I'm tired of feeling like a last priority. I'm tired of feeling like I do everything in life wrong. I just want to feel liked and appreciated.


I have to work in the morning. I need to go get some sleep. ((Seeing as I only got like an hour or something in earlier... meh.))

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