Hap-hap-happy october
10.01.04 ||| 9:28 pm

Hm. So yeah.

Back in the day, well, like 2 years ago, I met this guy named Louie. He was friends with Amanda ((I think)) and he ended up coming to her house for a party while I was living there. He was this cute little hippie-ish black guy, had the most awesome of awesome personalities and he was just the sweetest guy.

He and I hit it off in a platonic kind of way ((even though, technically I did find him quite sexxxy)) and we became pretty decent friends. We would talk about all sorts of shit, he'd listen to me blather on about Willie and when me and Alfred decided to try out the relationship thing he was one of the people that was most into us working it all out and hooking up.

Anyhow. When I moved away from California back in '02 I lost touch with him. And I thought that really sucked.

Well, last night when I was chatting with Danielle, she gave me his e-mail address. So I e-mailed him. I was afraid he wouldn't remember me and I was kinda dreading being forgotten. ((It's one of my biggest fears.. yeah))

Anyhow. He wrote me back this evening and he remembered me and he's doing good. I'm glad. And I'm actually quite happy he wrote back.

So that is my goos news for tonight.

Oh, and to top that off... me and Alfred had a wondermous conversation tonight and I talked him to sleep... in a good way though. He likes it when he can fall asleep to my voice... he says it helps him sleep better.

So it well in the land of tracey-faces.

It feels good to not be stressed out and to feel thought of and remembered and loved. I like this feeling.

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