10.02.04 ||| 2:53 am

I'm sleepy. But my head hurts and I don't think I can sleep.

I miss Alfred something awful right now.

The wind is blowing outside and there is cold air coming in from outside and it is making my toes cold.

For some reason this makes me miss Alfred even more. I think it's because I keep imagining all the things we would be doing if he were home.
He'll be home next Thursday. Man o' man. I can't wait to see him. The second he walks in the door, I plan to jump on him, throw him on our bed and have my way with him.


That is my plan.

Man. I miss him.

No one is online tonight. I have no one to talk to. Danielle didn't come on... Terra hasn't been on in forever... fuck, even Eric, the fat ass that likes me, isn't online tonight. I'm lonely. I want someone to talk to.

I'm going to go E*mail Andrew and Louie... then, I'll probably go in my room and begin the letter I need to write to Kathy. ((Kathy is this wondermous woman that was like my second mother when I lived out in California. Her and her husband are re-newing their wedding vows in about 2 weeks and I was supposed to go out there for the ceremony... needless to say, I can't make it now and so i need to write to her and let her know.))


before ||| after