09.24.04 ||| 7:46 pm

I miss him. He hasn't called yet and I miss him. I wish he'd call. I'm so worried that he's out somewhere cheating on me. This is such bull shit. I wish I didn't doubt him. I wish I could be entirely comfortable with the fact that he's out in Maryland and I'm stuck here, in Wisconsin. I wish I believed him when he said that he wouldn't cheat on me.

I feel like if he does, I'll just be getting what I deserve. He was cheating on Kelle when he and I first got together... so it would just be kinda justified if I had to suffer through it like I caused Kelle to. I hate this. I don't like feeling this way. Alfred always tells me that his and Kelle's relationship was over long before it came to an end. He had cheated on her numerous times... not just with me. So I shouldn't feel so badly about him finally ending it when he found me. But geez-us. Whose to say he won't "find" someone to leave me for?

I miss him and I wish he'd call. At least then I would know he was thinking of me, ya know? I feel so pathetic, just sitting here... hoping he's being faithful. It's so silly.


So yeah. Enough of that loser shit. Some crazy shit happened today at work. I was working with all the ladies and we were chatting about music because we were trying to find a disc to listen to while we worked. Heidi wanted country, I was leaning towards Jewel or Tori... and all of a sudden, the evil bitch, Vicky, says, "How 'bout some Tool or some Rage Against the Machine?" I turned to look at her and my jaw dropped and I was shocked that she even knew those band names. I pictured her as one of those ladies that rocks out to Barbara Streisand and Celine Dion and other bullshit like that. And here she was bringing up Tool and Rage. I mean fuck, dude. Alfred listens to Tool and Rage... as well as a few of the other people she mentioned once me and her got talking... like Korn and Marilyn Manson and shit like that.

I was amazed that she actually listened to decent music.

It was kind of funny though. Once me and Vicky got started on bonding over music Heidi started getting all weird and pissy. Talking shit about us having so much in common. It was like she was jealous or some shit.

I never know. It was strange... to say the least.


Man o' man. I have to work tomorrow... Saturday & working just blows all sorts of little goats. I hate working Saturdays. Aw well, at least I don't go in until noon.


Well, I'm off to wait on the phone to ring...

before ||| after