work blows goats... no really, it does
07.21.04 ||| 12:48 pm

I got home from work about half an hour ago. I brought home a shit load of books and movies. I plan on going down into my lil cave of a bedroom and laying on my bed watching movies, reading, and playing Xbox. Yes, that is my plan for today.

Work sucked so much ass today. I went in and had to work in Circulation and I checked stuff in for like an hour... which wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't like a million bazillion degrees in circ today. Then I shelved a few carts of books and then I got to put away the CDs and DVDs. ((which is probably the reason I ended up bringing home so many movies.)) Then shelved another cart. The jobs I had to do weren't that shitty... but the people there... god. I hate them. The teenagers I work with aren't that bad. In fact I get along really well with a few of them. It's the older ladies that I cannot stand. They constantly bitch about everything and fuck up everyone else's schedules. They are so fucking annoying. They make such a big deal over the stupidest shit. I swear.



Anyhow. I talked to my mom for a bit last night when I got done babysitting. I was telling her about talking to Alfred earlier and how much I miss him and how it looks like he won't be coming home anytime soon. ::sigh:: Then she did the best mommy-thing in the world. She told me that maybe next weekend or the weekend after that we could take like a weekend trip out to Maryland to see him. I don't know how well that will go over with him... but I hope it'll be okay. And it should prove to him that my mom loves him to.... He's been going through this whole "none of your family likes me" shit. Which is like sooo untrue. He just likes to believe things that make him feel like shit and give him something to complain about. I miss him though... so much its not even funny. It makes me cry every time I talk to him because I just want to see him and hug him and hold him and fall asleep with his body... oh geez.


I'll probably sign on later and update again... but for now I'm out. ::sigh::

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