04.26.05 ||| 1:41 pm

So. Yeah. I woke up with killer sore throat this morning... and a pounding headache.

I wish I was one of those always fucking healthy people. I swear...

Anyhow. I only got to talk to Alfred for like 20 minutes last night. I miss him so much all ready. I feel lost being in this house without him. Sad, huh?

There is something that is kinda bothering me though. The night before Alfred left, he was super tired because we had basically screwed up his entire sleep pattern and had stayed up the entire night before so we could go to bed early Sunday night, ya know? Well, seeing as he was massively sleepy, he kept declineing all my ::ahem:: sexual advances. So basically, end result was, no sex for Alfred before he left.

See, here's the thing... I wasn't wanting to have sex with him cause I was horny or anything... but because he was leaving and well, I dunno, it just makes me feel more secure or something. I dunno. So now I'm freaking out that hes going to like, get all horny or something and cheat on me.

Damn, I'm sounding more and more pathetic as time goes on.

I need to go work on my room. I got none of it done yesterday. I was a lazy ass. Meh.

before ||| after