Fun times...
01.23.05 ||| 4:25 pm

Shit is the same as always.

Nothing new oe exciting has happened.

Alfred may be getting laid off soon. He'll be home all the time then... I haven't decided if this makes me happy or sad.

When he's home I don't get the chance to be online too often... so this here diary may suffer.


I'm still in my shitastic mood and I've been being a lazy asshole.

I did go out and shovel the hellacious amount of snow we got, though. That made my body hurt and made me feel like I was going to fall down dead. Not good.

I'm one unhealthy person and I need to change that.

Exercise is on my agenda... I just never seem to get to it. Gah.

I'm off to search the internet for guitar catalogs for Alfred. He's all intensely interested in getting his guitar collection growing.


Talk about fun times.

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