Can't Stand
01.19.05 ||| 1:38 pm

In just a little while I am going to dye my hair black again. Right now it's this strange shade of blonde-ish brown-ish grey and it's completely gross.

It was kind of humourous on the phone last night when I was talking to Alfred. I had this coughing fit and he asked me if I had something stuck in my throat, like a hair or something. Justin ((one of the guys Alfred lives with)) said something about red/pink hair being the worst and Alfred laughed and told him, no, her hair isn't pink anymore, it's black. And I told him no, I haven't dyed it yet... it's blond. Then Alfred goes, well, fuck babe, last time I saw you it was brown.

Okay, now that's typed out, it doesn't look so funny... but it was. Alfred told Justin that it's hard to keep up with what color hair I have because it's constantly changing... which is true.

Gah. To think I just rambled on for 2 whole paragraphs about hair color.


I'm a big asshole. Remeber how I was sitting here talking about principles a few entries back? Well, yeah. I throw mine out the window. I'm babysitting Kylee tonight at 7. My mom arranged for a babysitter up till Kylee gets done with girlscouts tonight, but then she was stuck and had no one. She made me feel bad so I volunteered. Gah. I suck and I hate me.

I can't even stand up for myself anymore.

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