I'm back
11.29.04 ||| 1:47 am

So. I'm back. Well, I wasn't really gone... just kinda busy I guess, what with Alfred being home and all. He went back to Maryland this morning and I spent all day crying and shit. It sucked. I miss him. We had a wonderful-wonderful 10 days. No fighting and he only made me feel badly once... and it wasn't really even his fault. We made Thanksgiving dinner together for my family and we told my mom that we'll be moving out of her house soon... so yeah. Everything was decent enough I guess.

My Tink is still sick which sucks. Flirtreviews is backed up and I gotta get over there and do some of 'em for her. She told me she'd be home and back online sometime next week... so we'll see.

I never know.

Puta-Reviews is all crazy... I dunno what the fuck happened there. To hell with it. Bah.

I got all my Christmas shopping done except for my mom, my dad, and Alfred. BUT, Alfred told me he'd take care of my mom's present, and I know what I'm getting my dad all ready... Alfred too, but there's lots to do anyhow.
I just found out today that my neice Alicia won't even be here for Christmas. Her dad is taking her to Mexico to visit his family again. He did that the last two years... and like, I understand and all, but I still think it kinda sucks. Fuck, give us a chance to spend Christmas with her, ya know? Last year when she came back she was all crazy-like and wouldn't listen to anyone. Plus, she had gained like 15 pounds and shes all a BIG girl.


I miss Alfred and I need to go get shit done. Updates are a-coming though. I'm back. Yay for you.

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