10.06.04 ||| 7:38 pm

So. Alfred comes home tomorrow. He'll be here till Tuesday. I think this next weekend is the thing that will make us or break us. He's been acting so strangely and being so mean... I guess everything depends upon how he acts when he gets home.

He called me about an hour ago... he is going out and getting drunk tonight. Yay him. Wanna know what I am doing? I'm babysitting my neice, cleaning up the house so it'll be nice when Alfred gets home tomorrow, and cooking some chili... b/c Alfred requested it.

Yeap it's official. I suck.



In other areas of my life... shit is going oddly as well.

I've been having this... well... conversation, I guess, through e-mail with Andrew. He's all depressed and not doing to good... But anyhow... we've been e-mailing back and forth for the past week and a half almost and shit is strange. There's loads of flirty comments being spewed forth from both of us and its just weird. He know sa bout my problems with Alfred... and I know about his lack of girl problems... and things are just being talked about and said... and its all weird.
I never know.

I feel like i'm doing something wrong, though, by talking/e-mailing with him the way i am. I never know.

Well, I have to go get some shit done now. Yeah.

What joy.

before ||| after