the new lows of patheticness
10.05.04 ||| 10:38 pm

So, yeah.

Nothin' happens in my life anymore except for drama with Alfred. It's so pathetic really.

I decided to re-do my entire poetry site... I got a new user-name and I'm going to make my own layout for it and put all my poems over there. Only thing is, I signed up for the new name and they never sent me a password. Meh. So I've been trying to figure that shit out.


Tonight was strange with Alfred. We were talking and everything seemed fine. Then all of a sudden he quit answering questions and wouldn't tell me what was wrong. So I told him he didn't seem like he wanted to be on the phone anymore and told him we should hang up. He got a little pissy, but i told him goodbye and i love you and he said i love you too and then i said good bye and he told me to go away... and i hung up.

I waited a little bit to feel shitty about how we got off the phone... but it didnt really affect me at all. maybe I'm just getting to used to all the hate in our relationship. I never know.

So yeah. Alfred comes home on Thursday and I dunno if that makes me happy or scared. I might be a single woman soon, folks. That is a frightening thought for me seeing as i have devoted the last two years to trying to make alfred happy.

I'll try to keep y'all updated to that drama.

Now, I am going to sink to even lower depth of patheticness. People, leave me messages or some shit letting me know you're reading... offer advice on all this bullshit. I dont think i've ever felt more alone than i do lately... it may help to know that people are at least reading my pathetic ramblings. Thanks. Yeah.


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