I hate this
10.02.04 ||| 8:34 pm

There is something seriously wrong with how my mind works. I'm sitting here wishing that Alfred were sitting at home instead of out at the bar.

BUT I told him to go out... I've been telling him for the last 2 or 3 nights that I thought he needed to go hang out with the guys.

I've been encouraging him to go out and socialize... but now I'm sitting here imagining him talking to girls, taking some girl home with him, or fucking some girl in a seedy bathroom.


I hate this.

I hate doubting him but I can't help it. The last few nights on the phone he has been telling me how he feels like shit. He's been telling me how he's so horny and he just wants to fall asleep with a woman.. how he misses having a nice, warm body to cuddle with. He keeps telling me over and over again how he feels shitty. Like he wants me to tell him its okay to go out and get laid or something.

Sorry, buddy. But, um. NO. I don't think so.

This does suck though. I do understand his point... I mean I miss falling asleep with someone too. BUT I'm not out at the bars trying to find cock.

And it just makes me feel shittier because my feeling badly that he's out is partly my own fault because I have been encouraging him to go out.

I guess I'll just sit here and wait for him to get home and call me.

But the position I've put myself in sucks.

I hate this.

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