Message me, please
09.28.04 ||| 12:40 am

Gosh... now, not only am I pathetic, but I'm gross and pathetic.
I'm sitting here, eating cold hot dogs and drinking warm soda and feeling fat and yucky and just wishing I could go to sleep.

But ya know what? I fucking can't because I napped this afternoon. ((entirely on accident of course))


So yeah. I volunteered my services over at IcedMilk Reviews as a reviewer. Seems decent enough and I have hellacious amounts of free time... so yeah.

Puta-Reviews is not so busy anymore... actually I have no pending reviews over that means you lovely people... yes you need to go and request a review from yours truly.


I'm going to go look at layout sites and shit... I'm bored. Someone come on line and IM me... i wanna chat, dangnabbit.

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