my boxers are... gone?
08.20.04 ||| 1:53 am

My head hurts and I'm stuck on repeat.

I feel like shit and I wish I hadn't slept earlier this evening. I kind of want to go to bed, but I'm not sleepy.

Fuck this madness.

I was looking at my old poetry site. I miss writing like that.

I think, though, that I'm going to close that place down and fix up my newer one. Yessiree.

My head hurts... Fuck.

I leave tomorrow for Maryland. I'm nervous. I'm scared. What if I get out there and find things out that I don't want to know? I love Alfred so fucking much, I don't think I could be okay if I find out there is a girl out there that he's being with on the side. And that is the tell-all rumor that is circulating right now, folks. That he's fucking Meghann or however the slut spells her god awful name.

I hate that I doubt in him. I hate that I am capable of it... I should be so content and secure in our relationship that him cheating would never cross my mind... but i'm not.

I feel ugly, fat, and useless. I feel like he probably deserves more than I give him.

I hate thinking this shit though. It's sad and pathetic.

I just wonder how I wound up here. What is it that made him pursue me the way he did.

2 years. We've been together two years. Long time... I can convince myself that hes tired of me.

I think maybe I should just go and screw around with my layout or my poetry diary or something... otherwise I'm just going to keep spwning on myself or no reason.

I hate PMS. I hate depression... geez-us

before ||| after