Friends in high places...
07.17.04 ||| 1:20 am

Me and Tiffany hung out tonight til about 11 something. It was nice. I forgot what it's like to hang out with people. I haven't maintained many friendships since I moved back to Wisconsin. I'm always busy babysitting, or working, or tending to Alfred and his needs. I wish I hadn't put myself in that spot though. I miss having friends and I miss going out.

Me and Tiffany went to Culvers and had fries and icecream. it was good. ::smile:: Then we went to Top Gear and got pierced. She got the left side of her lip, mine is in the center. It did hurt like hell, too. I didn't think it would... I got my tongue pierced and my eyebrow and neither of those hurt, but my lip did. I also talked to the sexxxy guy that did our piercings and asked him for an estimated price on what my tattoo designs would be. I have this faery that I want on my back and I have this star-thingy that I want on the back of my neck. He said he could an outline of the faery for about $80, but that the star-thingy would be about $170. Expensive shit. Blah. Then me and Tiffany went back to her place and she burned some mix discs for me... then she brought me home. All in all, we didn't do much...but it was nice to just chill out with a chick, talking about all sorts of things, listening to good music. It was nice.

And an added bonus: When I got home I had a message on my machine from my old friend Carrie and we might hang out this weekend too. I really hope that I can get my friendships back in order. It's so lonely only having Alfred to depend on.

I get scared that Alfred and I will maybe breakup. Then where would I be? I'd have no one and nothing. I've surrounded myself in nothing but Alfred and I'm scared that he's going to take himself away from me. Lately it seems like all we do is fight. And if we're not fighting, then i'm sitting here missing him. I am constantly second guessing myself because I don't want to upset him. I feel like I do so many things wrong. I just wish everything could be good between him and I... and I wish that I could have a life outside of him. It's like I want everything to be really good between him, but I want my space too. It's like I want the best of both worlds or something.



My lip hurts and I'm getting tired. I need to go to sleep. But I don't feel like I could lay in bed doing nothing. So, I guess I will just sit here, listening to Jack Off Jill... maybe finding interesting stuff on line or something... night ::yawn::

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