The Beginning :: Username/Title Clarification
07.07.04 ||| 1103389023

I used to journal all the time. I had a few different diaryland diaries and I wrote in a long-hand journal. 2 years ago I met a guy named Alfred. I was living in Rialto, California at the time. He was a friend of friends and he hung out and partied at the house where I was living. We ended up making out one night at this party and things progressed from there. He broke up with his girlfriend and about a month later we officially became a couple. After 3 months of living in California we moved to my home town of Sheboygan Wisconsin. Ever since I haven't really done the journaling thing. I pretty much gave up on writing all together. I stopped journaling and stopped writing poetry...

Alfred just got a job about a month ago with a construction company that sends him all over the central and eastern united states. So now I have all this time on my hands and all these thoughts in my head... so I decided to start journaling and writing poetry again.

And here I am.

I chose Tracey-face as my username because my friends in high school back in California all used to call me traceyface and it was the only username I could think of that wasn't taken. :::smile:::
EDIT::Most reviewers end up hating this username, they say it makes me sound like a child and whatever. I say this: It's better than a username with no meaning at all. It's better than a bunch of stupid numbers and some off the wall, trend-following, "oh-woe-is-I" username. Right? Yes, it may be childish, but, hell, it means something.

The meaning behind the title "Everybody Else's Girl" is just simply that I do feel like everybody else's girl. I am not me for me like I should be. I'm me for everyone else and I'm trying to deal with that. To me, it makes perfect sense and does fit the "theme" or what-not of this diary. Yeah. So, moving along...

All right then.

Yay! I won't be bored anymore.



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