04.28.05 ||| 6:36 am

Well Alfred came home again last night. He's going to be doing local work for a little while so he'll just be home at night... I think I like this arrangement.. I guess i have to wait and see how it goes.

So, I got my furniture situation taken care of yesterday. Tiff helped me, which was nice... Now all I need to do is straighten the room up and make it livable. Ha.

Me and Tiff did some talking yesterday... she is encouraging me to go out and get a job... to do something with my life. And I appreciate all the encouragement and shit, it's just that I'm feeling overwhelmed by everything, I guess. I know I need to do something... I'm just not sure exactly what I want to do. I want to go back to school for something... but it's difficult because I havent got access to a car... same problem applies to the job situation... Oh. I dunno. Maybe I'll just sit here like I have been and remain a big fat loser. Gah.

I have shit to do and people to talk to... and yeah. Maybe I'll update later.

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