Just a list...
10.12.04 ||| 6:07 pm

100 Things To Do (stuff that's been done, I've striked out.):

1. Go on a trip to Europe for an entire summer
2. Run away from home
3. Eat a food you would never normally eat
4. Get a manicure
5. Act out your ultimate fantasy
6. Get a part of your body pierced that isn't your ears
7. Get a tattoo
8. Fall in love
9. Date someone of a different race
10. Spend an entire day in bed just watching your favorite movies and tv shows
11. Model for a painting
12. Go on a road trip
13. Kiss someone of the same sex
14. Go skydiving
15. Go on a cruise
16. Eat octopus (not calamari, octopus)
17. Cook a "romantic" dinner for someone
18. Get a ball used in a baseball game
19. Go camping
20. Play strip poker
21. Get hair dyed professionally
22. Chop off most of your hair on a whim
23. Be an extra in a movie
24. Have your own writing published
25. Had a one-night stand
26. Ridden a horse
27. Shot a gun (and not at a person, haha)
28. Tried more than one illegal drug
29. Steal something you don't actually need
30. Have a threesome
31. Have a secret affair
32. Date someone 10 or more years older than you
33. Stay up 3 nights in a row
34. See a comet
35. Make a bet
36. Argue just for the sake of arguing
37. Fall in love with someone you barely know
38. Have sex in an airplane
39. Get high off of something you normally wouldn't
40. Get fall down drunk just for the hell of it
41. Skip school
42. Lose more than 20 pounds in a month
43. Get a massage from a professional
44. Sleep all day
45. See someone give birth
46. Not eat anything for a week
47. Have sex outdoors
48. Been out on a boat during a storm
49. Spend the night with someone you're attracted to without having sex
50. Dated someone with a kid
51. Learned about someone else's culture (not in school)
52. Been outside of North America
53. Learn a foreign language (and actually remember it)
54. Have cosmetic surgery
55. Move on a whim
56. Make your own website (blogs don't count)
57. Have rebound sex
58. Cheated on someone without them finding out
59. Auction off something on Ebay
60. Let a boyfriend borrow something expensive and never get it back afterwards
61. Date two people at the same time
62. Go on a hike
63. Pawn something
64. Be in a wet t-shirt contest
65. Get in a "catfight"
66. Be in love with more than one person at the same time
67. Snoop through someone's things
68. Save pictures from a past relationship
69. Babysit two or more kids under or at the age of 5
70. Not eat meat for over a year
71. Go to a Broadway play
72. Go to a very expensive restaurant
73. Get a celebrity's autograph
74. Be obsessed with a TV show
75. Watch cartoons all day
76. Write your own book
77. Go skiing
78. The ski patrol had to take you down because you collapse on the mountain
79. Have someone other than your parents take you shopping (they pay for it)
80. Have a plane ticket and never get on the plane
81. Make out with a foreign stranger at the airport
82. Eat nothing but candy for a day
83. OD on caffiene
84. Fall asleep in the shower
85. Take an art class
86. Play just about every sport
87. Play a musical instrument
88. Write a love letter
89. Write poetry for the hell of it
90. Be out of town for more than a week
91. Go surfing
92. Stay out all night
93. Have sex with someone while your parents are downstairs
94. Read a book in one day
95. Learn HTML coding
96. Have sex with a stranger
97. Kiss a friend's cousin
98. Get drunk with your family
99. Buy a sex toy
100. Make a stupid list of things to do for the hell of it

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