new friends, cute kids, and budget cuts
07.27.04 ||| 2:08 pm

Today... again is full of oddness. My new motto: What is with today, today?

I got home from work about an hour ago. Now, I�m stuck here babysitting. Fun, yes?

Anyways. Interestingness happened at work today. See, I got to work this morning and I was screwing around up in the children�s room for a little bit. There is this huge Clifford stuffed animal that sits up there. ((seriously he�s like my size.. he�s really big.)) And anyhow, I was up there putting books away and playing with Clifford. There was this cute little boy up there ((he was maybe 2 years old.)) that kept following me around and playing with my hair... ((his mother/baby-sitter/whatever told me he loves anything purple... no wonder he was drawn to my hair.)) He was a cute kid. He kept talking to me and telling me I was pretty and that he wanted purple hair too. Anyhow. After a while I had to ditch the lil man and go over on the side of the library where the bigger kid�s books are shelved. And there was a guy standing in the non-fiction section and he looked kinda familiar. Get this: it was the guy from yesterday. Jason. Only his name isn�t Jason, it�s Chase. ((I guess I didn�t hear him right yesterday or something.)) Anyhow he came over to me and said hello and asked if I remembered him so I told him hi and yeah I thought I remembered who he was and he told me his name and we laughed over my mis-hearing him and then like he just hung around my cart of books and was like trying to think of things to talk to me about. It was weird. He was telling me that he doesn't quite understand it all, but that he had been thinking about me all day yesterday after we had talked. Now, he seems like a really nice guy and he�s kinda cute in a quirky way... and I would probably be attracted if I didn't have an Alfred... but I do have Alfred and I love him and so I�m like not even interested in this guy, right? I tell the guy that I think he seems like a neat person and all but I�m spoken for. I tell him that I am practically engaged to a guy I�ve been with for 2 years and that it�s nice that he was thinking about me and stuff... but no. just no. And he like got all flustered and told me that he thinks I'm really nice and that he is interested in me but that he understands that I have a boyfriend, but that doesn't mean we cant be friends right... and I told him I didn't know... that my boyfriend is a little possessive and I don't know if my making a new guy friend would be good right now. then he proceeded to tell me how he's a really nice guy and I can�t just decide to not be friends with him... and that he�d see me around and stuff and that he hopes I won�t be mean to him whenever I see him. ((whatever that means.)) and then he just kinda left. It was weird. I mean, I don't get picked up on... well, except for the group of guys that comes in on Tuesdays from the mental health care facility.. they hit on me a lot, but then again they all happen to be a little crazy I think...anyhow ya all know what I mean though. Guys don't usually go out of their way to talk to me, let alone try to hit on me. So I�m kinda weirded out about this whole incident. I just never know.

Anyhow... after all that I got sent down to work in Technical Services. I was working with this lady named Carol who is a really neat older lady and we get along really well. So we were just working and chatting and shit and then all of a sudden my boss comes in with the other two adult-circulation pages that were working today. I thought I was going to get bitched at for talking shit about them... ((see I have this tendency to tell Carol about all the dumb bitches I work with when I am stuck up in circulation... I like to vent to her... she listens to me talk all sorts of shit on Sandy and Vicky and she never tells them anything I say... its really great ::smile::)) I was tripping thinking I was going to get bitched at for shit talking and then all of a sudden Diane ((my boss)) starts talking about the staff meeting that they went to this morning, They were discussing the current budget crisis and how the funding for the library is getting cut in like half. And her bank of page hours ((the hours she dispenses between me and all the other pages that work at the library)) is also getting cut in half. The meaning behind all this mumbo-jumbo budget bull shit? By January she may have to eliminate 3 or 4 of the page positions... which translates into some of us bitches are going to get canned. Now, I have worked at the library for upwards of 3 years. I highly doubt that Diane's going to �let go� of me... but I don't want her to let go of any of my friends either... and I dunno... I never know... the people that are higher up on the food chain than Diane may end up having a say in who gets the axe and some of those assholes don't like me too much... ((something about how often I call in or some shit.)) So yeah. by January I may be out of a job. Talk about a nice friendly feeling enveloping all us hardworking pages at the library. Grrr.


I just don�t know. Today has brought about some weird ass shit.

I hope Alfred calls me tonight,. I miss him and I�m all stressed out and I want to talk to my baby. Actually, what I really want is for him to come home and hold me and lay with me on our bed, smoothing my hair and telling me that everything is going to be all right. I want to be comforted right now dammit. And Alfred is the one I want to be holding me. I miss his punk ass. ::sigh::

Anyhow. After I updated last night I stayed online for a quite a while talking to Terra. Actually we talked till about 1 in the morning. It was weird... we started out talking about recent movies we seen and ended up talking about all sorts of personal messes. It was weird. I don�t normally open up so easily to people... but when I was talking to her last night I just spilled out like my entire life�s tragedy. It was neat to talk to someone so freely and easily. I have never told people some of the stuff I told her last night. but it was strange because it was like I instantly felt like I could trust her. I dunno. She probably thinks I�m a crazy or something. But I thoroughly enjoyed conversing with her last night... at the risk of sounding like a complete moron I felt like I had connected with her... and made a friend or whatever. ((I'm a big dork I know...)) but seriously that was how it felt.

Gah. I�m a big dumbass. Blah.

Anyhow... I think I�m going to go wander around online for a bit and try to locate the perfect dress for the wedding thingy in October... yes that is what I will do ::smile::

later gators.

before ||| after